In most states – including neighboring Illinois – felons’ voting rights are restored after completing the terms of felony sentence. Persons on probation or parole are also eligible to vote.
See voters right across all states.
Voting Rights of Felons In Indiana
In Indiana, felons regain their rights to vote after prison. Those current on parole or serving probation are not barred from voting.
After satisfying the provisions of a felony sentence, felons only need to re-register or register to vote.
Restoring Felons Right to Vote in Indiana

As mentioned, felons’ right to vote is restored after serving a sentence. However, they become eligible only after voter registration.
To simplify and facilitate the process, registrants can opt for online registration. Besides allowing you vote, voter registration allows you to edit your name or address on the records.
For voter registration eligibility, applicants must:
- Be a United States citizen
- Have attained 18 years by the next scheduled election – general, special or municipal
- Have been a resident of the electoral district for, at least, 30 days before the next election.
- Not currently serving a sentence for a felony conviction.
- For voter registration in Indiana, registrants must have a valid photo ID. State-issued drivers license or state-issued ID cards are acceptable forms of identity. The signatures used with Bureau of Motor Vehicles is same used by the state for voter registration card.
Where a prospective applicant does not own either of the recognized forms of identity, they may still be allowed to register.
To vote without these identity forms, send a completed application via mail to the appropriate state election division or registration office. Indiana also allows in-person voting at your local registration office.
When completing a voter registration in Indiana, supplying false details or declarations regarding qualification status is considered to have committed a level-6 felony.
Such felony may attract a punishment of up to a 2 ½-year prison time or fine up to $10,000.
See also: Can a Felon Vote in Georgia?
On Election Day
Identifying Voters
Indiana State laws demand that voters must have a photo ID issued by the government before they are allowed to vote on Election Day. This ID must have the name of the voter.
Besides being a government-issued card, the ID must come with an expiry date. The expiration date must be in the future, or after the last general election.
35 states, as of April 2019, have adopted voter identification as a voter registration requirement.
While 17 states require photo identification from voters, others accept some other forms of identification.
Validation of voter identity differs across states. Common – among other forms of acceptable IDs – are drivers license, military ID cards, and state-issued ID cards.
Poll Hours
6 am to 6 pm is the official opening hours for polls across Indiana on the Election Day. However, all eligible voters on the queue before the closing time are allowed to cast their ballot.
Type of Primary Election
With primary elections, registered voters cast their votes on who they think should represent a political party for various offices in the general elections.
During party primaries, party leaders and convention delegates are elected too.
The open primary election is practicable in Indiana. Unlike other states, voters do not have to register with a party to be eligible to participate in the primaries.
However, state statutes posit that voters should, during primaries, participate in primaries of parties they have supported most in past elections. Apply this, apparently, can be a bit tricky.
Absentee Voting
Individuals can vote absentee if they are unable to go to the polls for any of these reasons:
- Disability
- Voter is 65 years or above
- The voter has official duties our their voting precinct during the elections
- The voter expects to be away from their home county on the day of election
- The voter will be restricted due to injury or illness or caters to one restricted due to injury or illness
- For religious concerns, a voter is disallowed from voting during the scheduled voting period
- Voter participates in Indiana’s address confidentiality scheme
- Voter is a member of the military or a public safety officer
That said, absentee ballot request must be sent not later than eight days before the scheduled election. Ballots must be returned not later than the Election Day.
Early Voting
As with most states, Indiana allows no-excuse early balloting.
With early voting, citizens can cast in-person ballots at a polling unit before the scheduled election date. Where no-excuse early voting is allowed, voters are not required to present any excuse for voting earlier than the election day.
However, in states that do no support no-excuse early voting, although eligible voters may be allowed to vote before the scheduled election date, they must present a convincing reason why they would not be present on the Election Day.
The District of Columbia and 34 other states, as of January 2018 had adopted the no-excuse pre-election-day voting.
Voter Registration
IN Indiana, prospective voters must be a U.S citizen and, at least, 18 years of age on or before the next scheduled election date.
Also, the voter must reside in the election district for, at least, 30 days before the next special, municipal, or general election.
Voter registration must be done at least 29 days before an election.
Online registration
Voters can register to vote online here. See online voter registration across 50 U.S states.
How is it that a convicted felon gets his/her rights back to vote but can not carry a fire arm? This is a contradiction by the United States Government, If it benefits the Government, it is okay, but if it does not benefit the Government, it is illegal. DOUBLE STANDARD and this is why I refuse to vote.