Does Costco Drug Test? You’d be surprised to learn just how many people before you have asked this very question. This is why this article was created. It’ll inform you of your rights as a citizen and a future Costco employee as well as everything you potentially need to know about upcoming drug testing procedures and processes.

If you are like many of the individuals in the retail industry today looking for a job, you no doubt know that you have a variety of options available to you. This is especially true now that summer is right around the corner.
With summer nipping at our heels, there are tons of home improvement and big box stores ramping up for the busy spring and summer seasons. Whatever the situation, Costco is probably one of the better options available today.
They are a well-known retailer and not only do they possess a large workforce, but they offer plenty of advancement opportunities for the average employee. Now, it just comes down to a matter if they drug test or not.
What You Need To Know About Costco
You don’t have to be a United States citizen to take advantage of everything that bCostco has to offer. They are a worldwide retailer spread throughout the world. In 2015, they were declared the 2nd largest retailer in the world, coming in at a close second only to Walmart.
That being said, they did break waves in 2016 when they became the world’s largest organic food retailer. Wine, prime beef, and rotisserie chicken, they are now the world’s leading retailer. This tells you that the store is focused on moving forward in the right direction.
Costco offers access to over 700 unique locations throughout the world. There are even plans to open a warehouse in China. They are truly looking to expand their global footprint so now would be the time to get on board. Get on board, get established, and get your name recognized amongst the masses.
Recent reports show that the company employs about a quarter of a million people. And, there is certainly no lack of diversity when it comes to employment. It doesn’t matter your race, religion, or sexual preference, you can choose to work at Costco as a cashier, stocker, food service assistant, bakery workers, forklift driver, pharmacy technician, or even a truck driver.
Get in good with the company long enough, and you might even be lucky enough to move right up the corporate ladder. Of course, before you can do any of this, you must pass that initial drug test. That aside, if you have a degree in accounting or networking, there might be plenty of opportunities back at the home and regional offices.
These jobs might include anything from HR to accounting, administration, consumer services, payroll, safety, and marketing. These are just to name a few, as there are plenty of available opportunities for the right individuals.
It is without question that you’ll find a suitable job for your needs and skills at Costco, regardless of your work experience or education.
Does Costco Drug Test in [year]?

Unfortunately, before you can start moving up the Costco ladder, you’ll need to pass that first, initial drug test. And, Costco maintains a very strict no-drug policy. You can certainly expect to be tested before acquiring employment with the company, regardless of the position you are applying for.
It doesn’t matter if you are going to stocker, security, or accountant, you are going to be drug tested. You’ll likely also be randomly tested during your employment with the company.
Costco is one of those employers that test for the use of all kinds of illicit substances. These tests will include anything from marijuana to benzodiazepines, barbiturates, opioids, cocaine, and just about anything deemed illegal.
All in all, it is best to not seek employment with the company if you are consuming these or other drugs. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t, it just means that it’s not likely a good idea.
Read: Does Ross Drug Test Their Employees?
What To Take Away For The Hiring Process
Like many employers today, Costco is turning to the Internet to handle their employment requests. All of their current openings will be listed on their company’s official website. All you have to do is visit the site, type in your preferences, and you’ll be able to search for the type of job you are seeking in the city that you are seeking.
What’s even better is, you’ll be able to apply for the position right there as well. You can take care of everything in one place.
You may be required to sign up with the company and create a username and password, but this will allow you to return to the site later and view other opportunities.
If for some reason, you do not hear back from the company after a week of applying, you’ll want to get in touch with the company. You can e-mail them or give them a call. A call will probably be more straightforward.
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What About Pre-Employment Drug Testing?
If you are a habitual or even a recreational drug user, you do not want to hear that Costco performs pre-employment drug testing. Unfortunately, this is the case! Costco requires all employees to pass a pre-employment drug test.
The company is very serious about its no-drug policy. They will not hire anyone that tests positive for any of the above-mentioned substances. Even if you aced the interview, you will still not be hired.
To greatly enhance your chances of securing your desired position at Costco retail stores, you should abstain from partaking for at least three days. Three days before your scheduled interview. The company should give you plenty of notifications.
It’s not like they’ll try to spring employment on you the day after filling out an application. Three days of abstinence should guarantee that you’ll pass all the requisite drug testing.
Partaking in illegal substances two or three days before your interview is a good way to ensure that you will not get hired by the company. It might even result in embarrassment or jail time. Costco is an excellent place to work with great people and plenty of fair advancement opportunities so you do not want to blow your chances.
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What About Random And Pre-Promotional Drug Testing?

As you’ve already learned, Costco is one of those employers with a strict no-drug policy. This means that you better guarantee they are going to randomly test their employees.
This might seem kind of strenuous or harsh for a cashier or security position, but this company takes its policies very seriously. That being said, random tests out of the blue are uncommon once passing the initial phase.
If you’ve been involved in a work incident, an accident, or your employer suspects you are using, you can be popped with a test. Failing to pass the test can not only potentially results in the loss of your position, but it might result in jail time.
This is certainly something you do not want on your employment record. In addition to this, all Costco employees should expect pre-promotional drug tests. What exactly does this mean? This means if things are going well and you want to move up to the next rung of the ladder, you’ll be required to go back through all the steps.
Whether you are being promoted to an opener or assistant manager, you’ll be required to pass another drug screening. The screening will probably be similar to the one that you were issued during the initial hiring phase.
Failing a pre-promotional drug test will not only knock you out of running for the promotion, but it could result in the loss of your job or potentially jail time.
How Does Costco Test Its Employees
Whether you are new to the workforce or just simply relocating, maybe seeking a better opportunity. Whatever the situation, you’ve probably been put through a variety of testing procedures. Some companies do a urine test while others do a swab or hair test. It solely depends on the company and its testing procedures. Costco is one of those companies that do the swab test.
They use a mouth swab to test the saliva for drugs, whereas many employers today utilize urine tests. This likely has to do with the fact that Costco has a strict no-drug policy. A swab test is more effective. It collects a sample of your saliva, which then will be sent in a sealed test vial to a Costco contracted lab where the results will likely be returned within the next three days.
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What If You Are Taking Prescribed Drugs
Some people are required to take medications for a variety of reasons. The good thing about this is, Costco doesn’t discriminate. Just because you are taking prescribed drugs, it doesn’t mean that you’ll be discounted for a position at Costco.
Costco understands the need for prescription medication and its benefits. All you have to do is notify the company in advance, show your doctor’s prescription, and you’ll be given a pass. You can also just give them your doctor’s information and have them contact his or her office. Either way, the results will be the same.