For sex offenders, it may be nearly impossible to find a job after serving the sentence. Many companies aren’t willing to put their customers at risk by employing sex offenders.
However, since trucking jobs don’t involve much communication with others, sex offenders are much more likely to be hired by trucking companies than by others.
But which are the trucking companies that hire sex offenders? Have a look at the list below.
Trucking companies that hire sex offenders
- A.D. Transport requires that felonies be committed at least 5 years ago.
- A & R Logistics requires that drivers consent to a review of all felonies and convictions that would prohibit them from entering Canada.
- Averitt Express reviews convictions case-by-case, so it is possible for sex offenders to be hired by them.
- Felonies must be 7 years old or more.
- Again, at least 7 years must have passed since you’ve committed a felony.
Boyd Bros. Transportation, Inc.
- Boyd Bros. Transportation hires those with no felonies in the past 5 years. Felonies will be evaluated case-by-case.
- CT Transportation won’t hire those who’ve committed a felony in the last 10 years.
- The same goes for CTL Transportation, which hires only those who haven’t committed felonies in the last 10 years.
- Covenant Transport generally considers felonies committed within the last 5 years disqualifying. Certain debt-related offenses or non-violent domestic issues may be an exception.
- Applications of those with active parole or warrant for arrest are subject to further investigation. Applications of individuals on probation may be reviewed with the permission of the probation officer.
- The conviction must be 10 years old. Applications are taken case-by-case depending on the offense.
- Each applicant is assessed case-by-case.
- Felonies must be 10 years old or more.
- Felonies reviewed case-by-case. Drug convictions must be 5 years old or more.
- Felonies must be at least 5 years old.
- Eagle Express Lines doesn’t consider convictions involving the use of drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances. In addition, felons convicted of offenses involving leaving the scene of an accident are not considered.
- It is required that felonies be at least 7 years old.
- G & P Trucking Company considers felons who haven’t been convicted within the last 10 years. Those who have been convicted and sentenced for theft or larceny convictions are not considered.
- Felonies must be at least 5-7 years old, depending on a case-by-case review.
- Felonies must be 7 years old or more and have no restrictions on getting an endorsement for hazardous material transportation.
- Felonies must be 7 years old at least.
- Felonies must be at least 10 years old.
- Applications of felons reviewed case-by-case.
- The conviction must be over 5 years old. Applications reviewed case-by-case.
- Applications by felons reviewed case-by-case.
- Again, applications are reviewed case-by-case.
- Once again, applications reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- Felony convictions must be over 5 years old.
- Felonies must be over 10 years old.
- Midwest Motor Express reviews felonies case-by-case.
- Millis Transfer again reviews felonies case-by-case.
- Navajo Express requires that applicants have had no felony convictions over the last 10 years.
- No specific requirements. The entire background of applicants taken into consideration.
- Felonies must be at least 10 years old.
- Felonies must be over 10 years old.
- Applications of felons are reviewed individually on a case-by-case basis.
- Applicants must have had no felony convictions over the last 10 years.
- Applications of felons are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- Applications reviewed case-by-case.
- It is required that applicants have had no felony convictions or DUIs in the last 5 years.
- Convictions reviewed case-by-case.
Southern Refrigerated Transport
- All felonies are reviewed individually.
- Felonies must be over 10 years old and not be related to drugs or alcohol.
- Felons must have served their full sentence, including probation or parole.
- Felony convictions must be over 10 years old.
- All convictions reviewed individually. 2 DUI/DWI convictions are disqualifying.
- No felonies, DUIs, or drug convictions over the past 10 years.
- Felonies must be over 3 years old.
- Applications evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- Petty felonies must be over 3 years old, DUIs 5 years old, and theft 10 years old. For other cases, applications are reviewed case by case.
- Felonies are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- Felonies must be 10 years old or more.
- Felony cases will be reviewed individually. Applicants must have 5 years of stable employment after incarceration.
- Felonies reviewed case-by-case.
- Applications of felons reviewed case-by-case. Generally, felonies must be over 5 years old, or 4 years old for experienced drivers.
- Felony convictions are reviewed individually.
- Felony convictions reviewed individually. Applicants must be eligible for hazmat endorsement.
Things to keep in mind before the application
Even if a trucking company is willing to give a second chance to sex offenders, it doesn’t mean that you will necessarily be hired. There are plenty of factors that may be considered aside from your conviction.
First of all, you will need to convince the HR of the trucking company that you are rehabilitated and are ready to become a productive member of their team. Your interview capabilities will play a big role, so make sure to practice them before applying.
Certain factors like having a cleared conviction may become advantages for you. This will demonstrate that the court considers you rehabilitated. Otherwise, they wouldn’t clear your conviction.
You should also be completely honest about your offenses and provide their complete record. Include those felonies that have been expunged or cleared as well. Provision of false information or disclosing incomplete information will most likely be considered a federal offense.
By providing complete records, you will be able to avoid legal actions and will also be able to benefit from the advantages of cleared convictions or whatnot.
It should be also noted that sex offenders are more likely to be hired by trucking companies than some other felons. Overall, the more isolated from others you will be during your work, the more likely it is for you to get hired.
Certain offenses directly related to trucking responsibilities will most likely disqualify you from consideration, however. Those include theft, driving under the influence, traffic offenses, offenses related to drugs or alcohol, etc.
These are usually tougher to get hired by a trucking company with, though it will depend on the company, as well as other factors like the time elapsed since your sentence or your experience.
So overall, be ready to prove that you have been rehabilitated and to provide all the criminal records to your potential employees. If you demonstrate honesty, you will be more likely to be hired.
Read Also: Jobs that don’t drug test before hiring.
I have a question regarding the term “felony”. I was charged with a sex offense as a felony, but it was reduced to a misdemeanor when I was convicted. Is that the same as being a felon? Also, my conviction was expunged and I was not on any sex offender website, but with this new Adam Walsh Act of 2006, the state of Nevada has required me to be listed on their site as of Oct 2018. I lost my job as an Uber driver because of that and now because I’m listed on the website, they will see that and because my offense was a “computer crime” and in the eyes of the courts of California, it was also a victimless crime. So the question that is asked, “Have you ever been convicted of a crime?” has given me permission to answer no since it shows up as dismissed “expunged” next to my offense. So would I be lying if I say I’ve never been convicted of a crime but yet my name shows up on the sex offender website?
Dismissed isn’t the same as expunged. You typically have to file for an expungement. An expungement destroys the record. If it was reduced to a misdemeanor, then no you’re not a felon. You never were a felon because you were never charged with a felon. A sealed record is also not an expunged record. A sealed record hides your charges and arrests from the public. Meaning that only law enforcement and security clearance jobs and courts can see it.
I want to know what actual law apply to trucking in which they could bar you for employment based upon a sex offense? Is it State or Federal law? In Wisconsin I encourage EVERY sex offender that is denied a job to file a complaint and law suit against any company that deny them a job based on State law 111.11 of the State Statutes. Which requires that Employers not use that as a reason unless your crime is directly related to the job.
By law it is illegal to “”Segregate, Discriminate, or Harass anyone including sex offenders! Regardless of who they assaulted!
If you are NOT presently on probation or parole or having to register.
Nothing is stopping them from employing you or getting a business loan or grant to work for yourself.
All laws can go for them or for you!
Especially since it is harder and harder to find work because our government chooses to bring in 100’s of millions of immigrants to work here. So employers do not have to hire you for fear of a $100,000,000.00 sexual harassment lawsuit.
Which by law is making you disabled by law!!
As other employees may try to get you fired by harassing others to fire you!!
Which is making you a state burden for public aid raising others tax payers taxes more!
That is not only a sexual harassment, Discrimination, Segregation lawsuit on the company but also who ever fires you or encourages others to do so! They too can get a $100,000,000.00 lawsuit as well like the employer. Plus, the pissed off employer can sue that employee that encouraged others to attack you to get you fired.
I was hired by Western Express. I went almost all the way through basic flatbed training til my recruiter fired me because of my felony from 1995 sex offense.
The state and church grouped helped pay for my education for my class A CDL for Interstate!
Plus, my last job was for the city of Moline, IL. parks and street dept. Where I worked for 8 years through 2 temporary agencies often by myself. The union who was suppose to protect minorities hated it. It was a temporary seasonal minimum wage job after living in that homeless shelter for 33 months.
I also worked with a homeless shelter helping the homeless men, women, and children get a home.
My registration was done over 10 years ago.
I have some federal and state agencies helping me still today.
That Western Express job. I got fired from it after disclosing my felony prior to me being hired there!
Since then I was reinstated but I refused to go back to work for them. I was seriously thinking of a sexual harassment, Segregation, discrimination lawsuit on that employer and the recruiter too.
I know I can do so much better because of what I have to offer to myself or others.
I was a union journeyman diesel mechanic for locomotives and spotter semi trucks for the railroads. I also was a journeyman industrial maintenance mechanic too for Tyson Foods.
Plus, I trained for alternative energy and hybrid technology.
I have my own ideas for hybrids worth $100’s of trillions.
I know how to save on fuel costs and other ridiculous costs!
Do you think I need them or do they need me?
Also for all you x felons out there.
Get your ass on Twitter and bitch at the President Biden and the governor’s of your state and at your politicians now.
I do.
I bring up that others refuse to hire us because of fear of lawsuits. I also bring up the fact that lots of stupid laws sit us up to be forced on public aid more at tax payer expenses!
That is what their actions are doing to try to create more prison jobs.
They claim that they rehabilitate you but then make stupid statements to try to get you to fail more to arrest you.
Prison gaurd job security.
Either they are doing their job right or they are not. Which means no pay raises for them if they are failing to do their jobs.
Stupid laws.
As a tax payer. They represent “”All Americans Equally”!
As a tax payer. You are paying for the use of all schools, and parks!
They help better you and alleive stress. Plus, it is good for your health.
As for parents. Start watching your kids because they are your responsibility. That is why kids shoot up schools , do drugs, or just be rebellious.
Not our problem.
Honestly, I do not want any kids in my life or a parent with them. I do not need them. My kids are now in their 30’s. I wish them a nice life elsewhere. Along with my x wife.
I am not interested in a family thanks to churches.
As for committing another offense like that. No way.
Just like others actions have came close to making me break the law but I got extra help from friends.
I also help stop other crimes from going on.
I also see lots of criminal activity by government staff- politicians, judges, lawyers, cops and others. I see it or hear about it often.
Also what everyone needs to recognize is that federal government and state governments will Expunge a NON VIOLENT PERSONS CRIMINAL RECORD TO ALLOW THEM TO MOVE FORWARD IN LIFE AWAY FROM CRIME
Is there one for MD that does the same?
How about in Kentucky. I can’t get a job at a temp service called the JobShop they will not hire me or even talk to me about a job because I am a sex offender. Computer charge . I even want to get my CDL license and drive a truck but they won’t hire me
S.o But I can drive no tickets I’m handicapped but I I can drive give me a chance I’ll pass any test
S.o But I can drive no tickets I’m handicapped but give me a chance I’ll pass any test
Thats where another of us get screwed. A background check has 3 to 5 different parts. I myself have 25 years since my offense. The criminal background check passes for me every time its the SORNA report that kills me. And of course your credit report is also a part of the background. So of those 3 parts to a background check I’ve been getting nailed since I was 18. I’ll be 45 next month and still paying for it.
To whom it may concern:
This list is far from accurate. Most of the bigger companies have policy in place disqualify anyone with a sex offense such as Maverick, Schneider, Paschall to just name a few. Also if your on probation that disqualifies you as well. Many of the others require you to not be on the registry period, and for most of us that’s not a thing. One more thing be careful of the case to case basis of evaluation this to can be used against you as a potential employee due EOE laws which of you don’t know already we are not protected by.
I chose to get my cdl recently and worked hard for it. Clearly the industry being in need of qualified drivers doesn’t mean a damn thing.
Thank you for your input KD.
Hi Mr. Gomez, my name is Rick and I just received my cdl a license. Can you suggest any teucking companies that will hire registered sex offender. The offense happened over 20 years ago. I was just turned by werner trucking. Think it was a recruiter and not h. R. But no positive on her position. Thanks, Rick
I agree 100%. But Schneider has spoken with me and I can get hired on by them after I get 3-6 months verifiable experience somewhere.
My husband is a s.o and got his CDL and had a hard time finding a job also. He put in so many applications and had his phone and emails blowing up until they found out he’s an S.O. then it was thank you but no thank you, until Butler Transportation LLC and they are hiring him and he’s also still on probation. The recruiter talked to his P.O and everything. He starts July 12th. It takes time but there is someone willing to give people a chance. May take awhile to find but he found someone finally who gave him a chance. Hope this helps someone. They may be able to get some experience with this company also.
I put the application in for my husband on Monday February 20th and goes to orientation on Monday morning he is also a s.o. through butler transport llc
Renewed my CDL and am trying to find a job. I knew it would be very difficult, but not this difficult. Deboers might be a place some people could try. I told them about my being a s.o., and being on parole; what DQ’d me was being on the registry. So for those of you who are S.O.’s, but NOT on the registry, it might be worth a shot.
It sounds like a rip scam, if your on the registry SO list and trucking companies wont hire you, then how is it possible to obtain a CDL license, maybe I’m missing something but it just doesn’t sound right, the grey area stinks, either you’re allowed to obtain a license or not because of a person’s records, that should be the question.
Good luck
From what I have been able to find out RSO’s 10 obtain a CDL there is no law no State statutes that forbid a registered sex offender from obtaining a CDL as long as there is no endorsements for school bus or passenger endorsement other than that it is like I said before there is no law there is no State statutes in any 50 states that prevent a sex offender from getting a CDL now painting your CDL going to school is not a problem you might have to pay for it yourself or you get a grant from the WIOA what can be obtained through a career center for employment the hardest part after obtaining your CDL is finding that job to use your CDL that is the glitch in the system finding a company that will hire you I personally am a registered sex offender I have my CDL but I have not been able to find a company that is willing to hire me because I am a RSO.
Has any s.o got a driving job or is it a waste of time
I have a CDL A and have been driving for 40 years and logged 3 million miles of no accidents or tickets and a zero score with DOT. Then 3 yrs ago someone sent me selfi pictures of girls I take to be 14-18 yes nudes. Three days later cops show up at my house and I was given 16 months behind bars and 2 years parole and they put me as a #2 on the SOR. While locked up the bank foreclosed on our home and my wife passed away. Today all I have left is my 40 yr driving career and nobody will hire me. Yet here in NY there is a law saying they can’t discriminate against you because of a felony. Oh this was my first time to ever be behind bars.
Seems like I wasted lots of time and money getting my cdls being a s.o
Hello James,
Do you mind sharing your story with us?
Hey dont know if your still active please reach out to me if you could .
My name is Shannon. I’ve been on the S.O. since 1999. I’ve always wanted to become an OTR driver for many years but this SO has prevented me. I haven’t committed another offense in over 29 years. I was recently accepted into CRST training school, not once but twice and both times I completed the road test and was about to receive my CDL when all of a sudden H.R. had an issue with my background. Prior to being accepted twice by the recruiter I was very open and honest about my past. Why did they have an issue at the end of my training and was in the hiring process. I really think that the problem was with the individual in H.R. and not necessarily with the policy of the company because why else would they pay for my trip to Cedar Rapids, Iowa twice. Someone please explain this. Thank you
This is ridiculous, there is no past that affects someone’s future like an s.o. There is no forgiveness and the rules and restrictions needs to be changed. I say everyone just keep applying to jobs and sending letters to businesses as well as government officials. We all need jobs regardless of background and our kids nor our bills don’t care about your criminal history so why should employers that has to provide us with the money to help pay for them. The issue is that people registering has to register their jobs too and employers don’t want to be linked to s.o. like the Jared from Subway theory. What sucks is that I don’t see why the s.o. employees at companies has to be public record. If this was only regulated to show police and not the general public I bet hiring for s.o. would go up as there are plenty of educated and intelligent overqualified individuals that has an s.o. on their record. I believe the registry is just another way to be a scare tactic for the American public. The news says, “Oh, look how many people are on the registry in our neighborhood at Halloween.” Anyone can become a felon at any time. Should our past determine our destiny? No. America is unforgiving and the American people are suffering while foreigners come here and get the jobs in our country and send money back to their country while our country has turned their backs on us then wonder why we’re not advancing like we should. This s.o. registry and attachment needs to be abolished especially in the job market. And if we are a country built on Christian principals then we need to follow them 100% not when it’s convenient. Sex offenders are at the heart of America’s unforgiveness and our country is suffering. WE NEED TO MAKE MONEY TOO!
Colossians 3:13
John 8:7
well said
You are so right. I’m an experienced driver of 45 years with over 5 million miles of OTR accident-free experience. In 2017 I saw some porn on the internet of selfies of girls 14-18 so they looked. I got cough with them and got 16 months behind bars and 2 yrs parole which I have finished. Nobody wants to hire me because I’m a SO and in the registry and haven’t had at least 6 months of recent experience.
I like this well put Kristen
Omg amen
If you wouldn’t mind contacting me about where I can find help getting work as a new CDL driver in east texas area
What’s all this crap I read about FCRA “employers can’t go past seven years on convictions (Cali) or use s.o. lists for employment decisions (290.46)” scheduled to start orientation in less then a week. Freaking out.
I got my foot in the door driving trash trucks. It was a Class B job but laid the foundation for me to get a Class A job. I wasn’t a good job but it allowed me to get in. I truly believe that the best way for a S.O. to be successful is to get their own truck and become a owner/operator. It is extremely hard for S.O. but if you can get your own truck then it becomes less of an issues.
Here Here. Dispatch yourself too. No explanations needed as to why I can’t pass through Illinois again this year. I’m going hotshot guys… starting small with a 3/4 ton Ford and a 38′ flat-deck non CDL. Blessings to all you guys.
I just tried applying for Werner, but as soon as I told them I was a felony sex offender (6, almost 7 years ago), he said I was disqualified and promptly said goodbye.
I just wanted to give that bit of info in case it helps anybody. I’m currently looking for a job, so if anyone is interested, I could keep an update on here?
this by far has been the best information i’ve seen yet its truly interesting
to see how divided this country is. BRAVO
Yeah I just got a call back from Prime Inc and my charge was 2006 . Do the math well over 10 years and because of being 3 years away from being off the registry they said you can try us when off and 10 years after your off like I have been studying and taking countless hours of practice test sacrificing time from my wife and kids trying to make a better life for my family. I caught the 1st felon after leaving the Army and never ever been in trouble with the law til that time. I was dealing with severe PTSD returning home and I self medicated with alcohol. Was at a house party with friends and at the end of the night shacked up with a girl claiming she was a certain age but come to find out the next day she was under age. I had just turned 21 and being home only a few weeks after returning from Iraq deployment I found myself in county jail looking at 5 years in prison. It’s just so outrageous I’ve more than enough proven im not a threat to society nor have I shown that this is a thing I do on the regular im pretty sure I’ve learned my lesson and don’t ever get in trouble with the law . These trucking companies really need to relax on their policies and such and do what they so call do hire on case by case basis. Rather than further persecute and continue to keep people from trying to just live and support their families.
Mine was in 2001 ,how do you get off the registry
I have a 2500 Chevrolet Cargo Van 2020 trying to hotshot
Couldn’t agree more. My husband is in the same situation. Just trying to provide for us.
I just read all this and there is a lot of good info here. I am also an s.o. on the registry and I have been calling company after company just to be denied because I have a sex crime. The company I called today told me to go find a truck driver staffing agency. She said she used to work at one and they hired sex offenders. I’m going to go check into that and see what those staffing agencies are about.
Go to CRST they will hire you and send you to school for free. You just have to sign a contract to work for them after you finish the schooling. I am a reg s o and I got my CDL and a I work for them right now. Also I’ve talked to Schneider and they told me I just have to finish the contract first with CRST because I want to drive Solo and not as a team.
That’s great to hear!!
Do you have any update info on your hire with CRST??
Can anyone help me?? I have a CDLs but my background is holding me back.
I just wanna say that the ones that say they will hire sex offenders are liers…I’ve applied to those ones and been turned down instantly after I told them the situation. My charge has been over 25 yrs and have not caught any more after that….I’ve applied at may trucking , Schneider, prime and got disqualified instantly, I’ve also went to a orientation at western express and they screwed me out of money after they said I was 100% hired. So the ones that say it’s case by case is bullshi*. I’m getting very discouraged and believing that it was a waste of time and money to get my class A cdl
You can not be denied a CDL or any other license, business license or otherwise
I applied at pit in Indiana they said my application looked really good but it only took them 2 hours to deny me. They told me I can re apply in 90 days but,I don’t see the reason to because I’m a sex offender and have to register for life. I quit my job at a factory because of harrassment. Something needs to be done . Who can we write or how can we find help in these matters?
It’s kind of crazy how things are these days. It seems a S.O. Is the scum of the earth. With every crime there are different levels as well as different punishments for that level. If you are a S.O. It doesn’t matter what you did, it doesn’t matter if you hurt somebody or even have a victim. I had someone send me pictures of selfies of girls that appeared to be 14-18 and three days later the cops were at my door. I was given 16 months behind bars and 2 years parole and this was my first arrest ever and I’m a 69 yr old guy who has been driving a truck with a CDL class A for 45 years. While being locked up bank didn’t get their money my home went up for sale my wife passed away and I list over $200,000 income. Now I’m out and off parole with a driving career of 45 years of 4 million miles of accident and ticket free driving but my offense is keeping me out of work.
I am a RSO w/12yrs of verified exp. I have applied for a grant (WIOA) through the Career Center to get my CDL back. I spent 9 of 12yrs in prison w/10mo. left on my parole (18mo.) I have a travel pass from my PO and county of residence for the purpose of employment.
Currently I am looking for a “hotshot Co.” that is/and are willing to hire me. I know that finding a OTR job is damn near impossible to find because I’m an RSO. I have read alot of articles from trucking companies that “say they hire RSO’s” and I agree with a previous statement that-that info is total “BS”.
They don’t, a case-by-case scenario? Give me a F-N break! People have told me to wait till I’m off of parole than start hunting but I’m not one to sit around.
I would like any info on hotshot co.’s that [WILL] hire an RSO. If the pay and the equipment is right i will consider lease option.
Please i am very serious about this.Please send info to this email
Thankyou very much
OK, so all these companies that say that they will hire S.O’s is basically BULLSHIT then? As I was wrongfully convicted of a sex offense and have to register for life due to the new laws. I am trying to get my CDL as we speak and to be honest if there isn’t any companies willing to train or hire if I got my license on my own then I am not gonna fork out money for something that is going to be useless and can’t use.
Perhaps the disconnect is at ground level? Maybe the company itself, at the top, says it’s willing, but the ground-level employees and hirers don’t want to?
I have a cdl class a with a automatic restriction and I have to register every 3 months. Is there any chance I could get a job.
Yes go to sysco they well hire you with no problem but you gonna be working yo ass off for that paycheck tho it’s good money
So I’m new on here & I’ve been reading some of these comments so I’m hoping there will be some luck on here. I’m a Felon, sex offender. Convicted in 2014, 5 years of probation. Completed my counseling with proof. I served my time & I’m done with everything. I was just a dumb kid who messed up badly and I paid for it. Recently I received my CDL in May of 2022. I’ve had calls from other employers , but once I told them my charge, they pretty much said “I’m sorry sir, but your disqualified & good luck”. Usually I just hang up once they start saying that. Like how is my crime related to driving??? So what, Im a S.O & did my time & I’ve came back. So basically your going to judge me by my background & not my skills, Discriminate much?….sucks to be them. Lawsuits are happening. There losing a hard working motivated person. I know one thing is to stay away from big companies. I live in Macomb County, Michigan. If anyone is looking for a truck driver in my area let me know. I will be active on here so drop a comment below. If I don’t find anything soon, I’m just going to get my own Semi & take loads. Possibly start my own business. I wish everyone on here the best of luck. Listed below are companies dont waste your time at:
PAM Trasnport
Western Express
Knight Transportation
C.R England
Covenant Transport
Bennett Motor Express
May Trucking
Koch? (maybe)
Averitt Express
Barr-Nunn Transportation
So I’m new on here & I’ve been reading some of these comments so I’m hoping there will be some luck on here. I’m a Felon, sex offender. Convicted in 2014, 5 years of probation. Completed my counseling with proof. I served my time & I’m done with everything. I was just a dumb who messed up badly and I paid for it. Recently I received my CDL in May of 2022. I’ve had calls from other employers , but once I told them my charge, they pretty much said “I’m sorry sir, but your disqualified & good luck”. Usually I just hang up once they start saying that. Like how is my crime related to driving??? So what, Im a S.O & did my time & I’ve came back. So basically your going to judge me by my background & not my skills,There losing a hard working motivated person. I know one thing is to stay away from big companies. I live in Michigan. If anyone is looking for a truck driver in my area let me know. I will be active on here so drop a comment below. If I don’t find anything soon, I’m just going to get my own Semi & take loads. Possibly start my own business. I wish everyone on here the best of luck.
I just came home from doing 4yrs 8 months. I work on getting my CDL license back. From what I’m reading it seems impossible for to drive am on parole and I’m rso for life even though I took a deal to be on for 25 years. It’s driving again a dream? If anybody knows about any jobs in Frederick Maryland please let me know.