Can You Get a Home Loan If You Have a Felony? Are you thinking about purchasing a new home? Doing so will prove to be well worth it in the long run. Remember that buying a home is a long, complex process. It isn\u2019t as easy as moving into an apartment.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Instead, you\u2019ll need to proceed through several steps until you\u2019re finally ready to close on the house. Then, you can move in. It generally takes a month or longer to finalize the purchase. Plus, you\u2019re going to be scrutinized from start to finish.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
In some cases, your criminal history may have an impact on your ability to purchase a home. Are there any home loans for felons? Within this guide, you\u2019ll learn more about purchase a home as a felon.<\/p>\n\n\n