Does Autozone drug test new hires? This subject will be explored in greater depth below. Are you trying to get a job with the auto parts dealer Autozone?
The company is one of America’s leading employers. It has stores across the country, so consumers can conveniently purchase auto parts when they need to do so.
Autozone offers excellent employment opportunities for people needing jobs. However, it is important to understand that you’ll need to complete the pre-employment check before you can get a job with this company. As a result, you may need to pass a drug test.
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More About AutoZone
First and foremost, you’ll want to learn as much as you can about AutoZone. The American retailer is known for selling automobile parts and accessories. When visiting AutoZone, consumers can purchase oil, floor mats, and gas cleaner.
In addition to that, they can purchase thermostats, radiators, batteries, alternators, and more. If you need a part for your automobile, you’ll want to visit Autozone.
Although the company is currently based out of Memphis, Tennessee, it has stores across the United States, Brazil, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. Today, the company has more than 6,400 stores.
When looking for a job, you can always count on AutoZone since the company has stores in many cities and rural areas.
AutoZone Employment Perks
Consumers should consider signing up for employment with AutoZone because the company offers reliable work and many excellent benefits.
Once you’ve become an employee with AutoZone, you’ll receive several key benefits, including a discount on AutoZone merchandise. In addition to this, employees can obtain life insurance, food coupons, and access to a savings fund.
More importantly, AutoZone offers competitive pay making it a good employer. It is a good idea to try to obtain a job with AutoZone because the company offers many great benefits.
Does AutoZone Drug Test?

When applying for a position with AutoZone, there is a good chance that you’ll need to take a drug test. The company’s drug testing policy confirms that the company maintains the right to drug test employees at any point.
You’ll likely be drug tested when signing up for a job, but it doesn’t stop there. There is always a chance that you’ll get drug tested when getting a promotion or experiencing an auto accident.
If you drive for AutoZone, there is a higher possibility that you’re going to be required to take a drug test at some point.
If you’re involved in an accident, you’ll likely be asked to take a drug test.
Does AutoZone Use Pre-Employment Drug Tests?
You should expect to submit to a drug test when applying for a new job. Just remember that each company has a unique drug testing policy.
In some cases, AutoZone will drug test, but they usually do not. There have been no confirmed reports that AutoZone drug tests its new workers.
You can likely get a job with this company without having to take a drug test. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to approach the situation as if you will need to take a drug test.
Doing so will make a world of difference. You’ll know that you’re going to be tested, so you’ll stay clean.
When Does AutoZone Drug Test?
AutoZone may drug test people who wish to obtain a job with the company. However, it is important to understand that the company will likely drug test at other times as well.
When working for AutoZone or another company, you’re always going to face risks that you’ll have to submit to a drug test.
If you’re driving an automobile for the company, you have to understand that you may get into a vehicle accident at some point. If this happens, the company will want to know that you were clean.
Suffice to say, you’re going to be drug tested. However, there are other times you may be asked to take a drug test too.
You may be offered a promotion at some point in the future. The company may decide to move you to a higher-paying position. If so, you may be required to take a drug test. Finally, you may get hurt while working for AutoZone.
When lifting packages and auto parts, there is a chance that you’re going to injure your back. You never know.
With that being said, you should do what you can to protect yourself. If you get injured, you’re going to have to take a drug test, so be ready for that.
What If You Refuse A Drug Test?
Remember that you always have the right to refuse an AutoZone drug test, but your decision may come back to haunt you in the future.
If you refuse a drug test, there is a risk that you’re going to be terminated. If we’re injured and have been asked to take a drug test, it is a good idea to take one.
Otherwise, you might get terminated. If you’re applying for a job and you refuse a drug test, you’re not going to get the job. The company will void your application and look for someone else.
With that being said, it is a good idea to always submit to drug tests when necessary. If you believe that the employer has failed to properly obey drug testing laws, you may want to speak to an employment lawyer.
What Drugs Will AutoZone Test For?
When you are drug tested by AutoZone, you have to understand that the company is going to test for specific drugs. It is important to know what drugs the company will look for.
However, nothing is set in stone. The drug tests used may vary from one AutoZone to another.
However, you’ll find that most AutoZone drug tests check for cocaine, PCP, marijuana, and opiates. It’ll also check your system for benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and amphetamines. If you’ve been using one or more of these drugs, you’re going to fail the drug test.
Failing An AutoZone Drug Test
When working for AutoZone, there is always a risk that you’re going to be required to take an AutoZone drug test. With that being said, you may fail the test and it could create issues for you. What happens if you fail the drug test?
Well, you will likely lose the job opportunity. If you were applying for a job, and you fail the test, you’re going to be denied employment.
You’ll also have to worry about failing a test after getting injured or being given a promotion. If you fail a drug test then, there is a risk that you’ll be fired.
Can You Reapply After Failing A Drug Test?
You can likely reapply with AutoZone after failing a drug test, but you’ll need to wait. There is no definite answer, but it is generally best to wait at least six weeks before moving forward.
If you want to get a job with the company, wait six weeks after failing the drug test before applying again.
Getting a job with AutoZone doesn’t have to be difficult. As long as your system is free of drugs, you should be okay.
However, you’ll want to learn as much as you can about the company’s drug testing policy before applying with them. Be sure to use the information above to guide you.