Does USA Truck Hire Felons

Does USA Truck Hire Felons

It is a thing of concern for ex-felons to have a normal life after serving a jail term for a period of time, starting afresh, cleaning their slates, gaining acceptance and most importantly securing a job which stands as one of the major problems they face as no company is willing to take in one who has criminal records.

USA Truck Background Check

It is totally understandable as these companies have a reputation to keep and don’t want their image tampered or tarnished. These companies always have background checks done before an individual whether an ex-felon or not finds entrance into the company as employees.

These background checks usually provide all information on the criminal records of all prospective employees, thereby acting as a security strategy for various companies. But this act might inhibit the societal integration of ex-felons. However, some companies are now recruiting and employing ex-felons, giving them an opportunity to take on some responsibilities.

Transport companies are seen as very flexible and tend to accept applications from all angles whether graduates or not; they are opened to receive employees as long as they are credible and reliable and do not require rigorous qualifications.

Some of these companies also offer and sponsor truck driving training to ensure that their trucking company has the best truck drivers. Although not all of these companies accept and hire felons; some do with some specific eligibility criteria, while others do not employ at all.

Does USA Truck Hire Felons in [year]?

Does USA Truck Hire Felons

As a well-known trucking company, it is a frequently asked question if the transport company “USA truck” hires felons?

They are a very large company with over 2000 workforce, 20,000 trucks, tractors, trailers, and containers have been in existence for about 35 years with branches in a number of places in North America and their head office at Arkansas, Van Buren USA, and partners with huge companies in Canada and Mexico. They are known for carrying various goods manufactured by different industries from place to place.

USA truck as one of the best transport companies in North America are all about individuals’ safety first and the security of their goods and shouldered with the responsibility of transporting goods and machinery from one location to another within and outside the state to different locations.

Their services are also made use of by those moving from one home to another or one city to the other. They are swift, reliable, credible, accountable, and committed to giving the best services. The USA truck has a platform that offers training on CDL – Commercial Driver’s License which is meant for drivers who handle massive transport vehicles like heavy trucks and containers for moving of goods and machinery to different locations and long distances.

Having a job at the USA truck means you have job security as long as you are playing your cards well, meeting the demands of the company, carrying out your obligations without twisting or bending the rules to your favor, been a good team player and been committed to the job. The remuneration or salary is pretty good and can earn you a comfortable balanced life.

There are not many qualifications needed to join the USA truck workforce, all you need is to be alive, be ready to work, and be focused on the job. Though, the qualifications needed depend on the departments under the company been applied for. Departments like the finance would require qualified personnel in accounting and finance and many others like that.

There are processes and procedures that need to be duly followed as hiring and employment policies before one can get employed in the company or any company at that. Posts like drivers, secretaries, etc., need training on the running of the company, all it entails, and all that is expected of them to be a part of the workforce.

Also, the CDL is needed to find a place in the USA truck group of companies, as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has made it compulsory for commercial truck drivers to enroll and obtain the CDL. Experienced expert and/or commercial drivers have an upper hand in securing a space at the USA truck companies.

Having a criminal or felony record attached to your title whether on false allegations or on an actually committed offense is a major setback to starting all over, finding your footing, and living a normal life in the society.

Many of these people in this category have a change of heart and are willing to be better citizens but the society wades them off and pushes them to the back. Organizations and companies are not willing to employ them because they don’t want their image tarnished.

Some companies hire individuals not just based on their criminal records but based on what they have to offer, like their working experiences and skills, etc. USA truck hires ex-felons. They consider the kind of criminal acts accorded to them and the severity of the crimes, the efforts put in to live a better and reformed life. Ex-felons are given another chance to a normal life with a means of a steady income and an opportunity to clean up their mess and start on a clean slate.

Transparency is Key When Applying for a Job

Applying for a Job in a Trucking company

As an ex-felon, when seeking for jobs at USA truck, it is paramount you supply information on steps you’ve taken to make your life better, if you worked as a convict, if you are currently working somewhere, knowledge and skill you’ve acquired and how the skill can be useful in the USA truck company.

Jobs offered to ex-felons in USA trucks are commercial truck drivers, some are even mechanics or engineers that fixes, maintains the vehicles, and others. The average salaries of truck drivers in a year may range from $40,000-$73,000.

USA truck is among the best places for ex-felons to build and have a fresh start in terms of finding a job and having a livelihood. They do not just offer job opportunities to ex-felons but gives them an opportunity to learn, get more knowledgeable, build experiences, skills, and be self-developed.

Recommended: Prime Trucking Company Hires Felons.

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