Do you enjoy working on automobiles? Being a mechanic can be profitable. Even if you’re not good with your hands, you can still get a decent job at your local Discount Tire. However, Does Discount Tire Drug Test? Does It Do Pre-Employment Tests?
For instance, you can help run a cash register. Otherwise, you can get hands-on experience so you can learn how to change tires and work on cars.
Discount Tire regularly hires new mechanics so there is a good chance that you can find a job at your local store. If this is something that interests you, it is a good idea to learn more about Discount Tire’s pre-employment drug testing policy.
Does Discount Tire Drug Test in [year]?

You must understand that most companies in the United States are going to drug test workers. However, when you’re going to be drug tested depends on the company.
Some companies use pre-employment drug tests while others use random drug tests to maintain a drug-free workplace.
What about Discount Tire? The company conducts pre-employment drug tests and may drug test at other times as well.
It is vital to learn more about the company’s drug testing policy so you can increase your likelihood of getting the job.
Discount Tire Pre-Employment Drug Test
You must understand that Discount Tire strives to maintain a drug-free workplace. One of the main ways it keeps drugs out of the workplace is by using pre-employment drug tests.
The company is going to test applicants before they’re added to the team. Failing a pre-employment drug test means that you’re likely not going to get the job. The only way you can still get the job is if you were prescribed the medications in question.
You’ll have to prove it by providing the HR person with a copy of your prescription. They will likely call to verify that your prescription is legit and valid. Regardless, all applicants will be drug tested before they can get a job at Discount Tire.
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What Drug Test Will Discount Tire Use?
If you’re trying to get a job at Discount Tire, you have to be ready to get drug tested. The company is going to drug test you to ensure that you’re free of drugs.
Although circumstances may change, the company primarily uses urine drug tests to test new applicants. Since you’re asked to take a urine drug test, you’ll have to urinate in a sample cup. You’ll be monitored during this process.
While you won’t be physically watched, you will be monitored from outside the bathroom and won’t be able to flush or turn off the water. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully to avoid running into problems.
Once your urine sample is handed to the clerk at the clinic, it will be sent to a lab for testing. After that, you can expect to hear something from Discount Tire in a few days. In some cases, it will take up to 7 business days to get the results.
Does Discount Tire Use Random Drug Tests?

Are you going to be randomly drug tested by Discount Tire? In all likelihood, you will be. The company has been known to randomly drug test workers throughout the year.
Usually, workers are tested twice throughout the year. If you fail a test, there is a good chance that you’re going to lose your job. Suffice to say, it is best to make sure that you’re going to pass the drug tests.
The best way to achieve this is by avoiding using illicit substances. If you’re on prescription medications, make sure that you tell the HR person. Give them prescriptions from your doctor to prove that you’re telling the truth.
What Does Discount Tire Check For?
Ultimately, you will be drug tested for a handful of drugs. Whether you’ve been using marijuana, cocaine, or opiates, you can guarantee that you’re going to flunk your drug test.
The company usually tests workers using 5-panel urine drug tests. A 5-panel test is going to find five of the most common substances, including marijuana, opiates, cocaine, amphetamines, and PCP. Some companies use 10-panel drug tests that will detect other substances.
However, Discount Tire primarily uses 5-panel urine drug tests.
How Does The Discount Tire Drug Test Work?
You will not be drug tested until you’re offered a job. If you’re not going to be offered a job, there is no reason to waste money on a drug test.
Typically, the applicant will be asked to submit to a drug test once they’ve finished the interview. If you are offered a job and you accept it, you’ll have to take a drug test.
The interviewer will give you the paperwork that you’ll need to take to a nearby testing facility. Give the paperwork to the clinic’s nurse.
Once it is your turn, you’ll have to fill a cup with urine. While you’ll be monitored, you’re not going to be physically watched.
Some employers will watch you urinate in a cup, but Discount Tire usually doesn’t. Regardless, steps will be taken to ensure that you’re not cheating the system.
Once you’ve finished filling the cup, you’ll need to give the sample to the clinic’s representative. From there, it’ll be shipped to a lab for testing and you’ll have to wait for the results.
Discount Tire will hear something from the laboratory within 7 business days. Whether you fail or pass the test, you should get a call from Discount Tire within days.
Dealing With Prescriptions
People who use prescription drugs may fail a Discount Tire drug test. Nevertheless, you can take steps to ensure that this doesn’t prevent you from getting the job.
After all, you’re using a medication that you were legally prescribed by a licensed professional. How can you avoid any repercussions? Before the drug test, you should tell the HR person about your prescriptions.
Give them a copy and tell them how they can get in touch with your doctor. They’ll call the doctor to make sure that you’re telling the truth.
After that, those medications won’t be held against you. If you have a valid prescription for the medication, it won’t prevent you from getting the job.
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